
Dress Code Violations

Inappropriate clothing and clothing assumed to be inappropriate clothing by any staff member will result in the confiscation of a ticket, with no refund, and a ban from future events. Any staff member has the right to deny any attendee for any dress code violation, even if it is not explicitly written. Please see the full Dress Code page for more information.

Inappropriate Behavior

Vampire's Garden requests that all attendees maintain appropriate behavior. This includes, but is not limited to, the avoidance of shouting, running, photographing other guests without their permission, playing music/videos loudly on your personal cellphone, starting or continuing arguments, discussing sensitive or personal information, etc. Attendees or accompanying guests who can not maintain appropriate behavior may be asked to leave the event, with no refund. The guest may be blacklisted from further events. Please report inappropriate behavior to staff or your host.

Age Restriction

Attendees must be at least 18 years old to attend this event.

Tickets & Refunds

While we strive to maintain the highest level of professionalism, please note that Vampire's Garden is a non-profit, volunteer-operated event. All proceeds from ticket sales are reinvested directly into the event, as Vampire's Garden does not generate any profit from these sales.

For this reason, we kindly ask for your cooperation that tickets are paid only via Friends & Family on Paypal or via Venmo.

Tickets can not be refunded. They may be transferred to another person 1 week before the event.
To file for an exception, please contact Vampire's Garden immediately.

No Shows

If you are unable to attend the event, please contact Vampire's Garden immediately. No-shows will result in a blacklist from future events.